"AIGA brings design to the world, and the world to designers.As the profession’s oldest and largest professional membership organization for design—with more than 70 chapters and more than 25,000 members—we advance design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force. From content that defines the global practice to events that connect and catalyze, we work to enhance the value and deepen the impact of design across all disciplines on business, society, and our collective future."
- Prof. Vickrey is the faculty advisor for the A-State AIGA student chapter.
AIGA Student Membership!!!
- Participate actively in your student group
- Show up to meetings.
- Gain exposure by posting your portfolio in the AIGA Member Gallery
- Find jobs and internships in AIGA Design Jobs (some info my be blocked unless you are a member)
- Network and learn at local and national events
- Access exclusive member benefits
- AIGA (national group) DESIGN ARCHIVES !!!!
- AIGA is a massive and powerful national organization with which to have ties. NETWORK once your out of school too.